Splitting .gitconfig based on project

I keep my personal projects separate from my work-related projects in git. This requires remembering what I'm currently working on and applying that profile to the commits, git_template, etc.

I recently learned about a new git configuration feature called conditional includes. It allows one to split out project/folder/branch-specific git configuration into its own .gitconfig fragment.

This allowed me to get rid of bash functions that setup my git configuration (e.g. GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) depending on what I was working on.

So I ended up with the following ~/.gitconfig:

        name = Amit Kucheria
[includeIf "gitdir:~/work/sources/"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig-linaro
[includeIf "gitdir:~/work/sources/personal/"]
        path = ~/.gitconfig-personal

My ~/.gitconfig-linaro looks like this:
        email = "amit.kucheria@work.com"

My ~/.gitconfig-personal looks like this:
        email = "amit.kucheria@personal.com"

One thing to remember, the order of the includeIf statements matter! They should be ordered from generic to more-specific directories if like me, all your sources live in a single folder. If the order in the above snippet were reversed, you'd always end up using the .gitconfig-linaro configuration.

One less thing to remember to set as I switch between work and personal projects.


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